Friday 13 March 2015

Mix Radio Interviews Diana Yukawa

  Mix Radio Interviews Diana Yukawa

Last month Mix Radio welcomed violinist and songwriter Diana Yukawa to their HQ in Bristol.
Diana treated the whole office to a performance of ‘City is Sad’, an uplifting and beautiful track, check it out below.

We also managed to have a chat with Diana about her eclectic musical influences and what to expect from the playlist she’s curated.

Tell us about your visit to MixRadio HQ
 It was a real pleasure for me to have been invited to perform at MixRadio. I’m also slightly embarrassed to say it was my first visit to Bristol, which I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I always love giving smaller, more intimate performances where you can see the detail in the audience and their response to your music - it’s wonderful to have a closerconnection to the people listening to you.
What artists have influenced you?

There are many artists that haveinfluenced me, from Fritz Kreisler to Radiohead. Also artists like CraigArmstrong, Ryuichi Sakamoto and Massive Attack have been real inspirations for me - making music that is timeless.

What’s your favourite song to play?
Depends on the day and my mood! One of my favourite’s though is ‘My Way Home’ from my Finding The Parallel EP.

What’s coming up for Diana Yukawa in 2015?
I’m really excited about 2015, I have lots of projects going on this year which I’m really looking forward to. John Foxx, Benge and I are releasing our first album as Ghost Harmonic in May. I love the album we have created together and as a total bonus, I feel cool that I’m in a “band”! I’m excited for people to hear something quite different to my solo work.
I’m also working on a charity project which involves putting brain scans on to a stave to translate the chart into music. It’s been challenging but I’m passionate about this and really hope it can reach people in a new way.

I’m writing material for my fourth solo album, which I hope to release towards the end of the year and also have other collaborations going on for new artist projects, so it’s a busy time!
Outside of studio work, I can’t wait for the summer to return as I’ll be performing at some fab festivals again this year. Bring on the sunshine!

What artists have you chosen in your MixRadio playlist and why?
I’ve chosen a really wide mix of artists for my MixRadio playlist. I think most music lovers and artists will say that genre isn’t of any great importance, you either like it or you don’t - so I’ve selected some songs that have connected with me over my lifetime and evoke all sorts of emotions and memories.

Anything else you’d like to tell MixRadio?
Just thank you so much for having me, hope to see you again and thanks so much for my LINE goodie bag!

Interview here;

Check out the exclusive playlist made by Diana here:

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